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Cor.I 1,2q.,, s. { ebo7.Td SelJbVg miniftrationofthe Sacrament, when-theLoa loçkes upon it , hee cannot but remember hì§- promife and his covenant , of pardoning our (Imes ; Andwhen thou lookett on it, thou art affuredof it , for hee bathPaid it ; it (hall beea figneand awitneffebetweene us;Now I fay that new impreffion that thefe words(thus contrived andunderftood, and delivered by the Minifter) make upon the heart,intends our faithand love; as indeed it is a great matter tohave it fpoken to us by a lvlinifter-of the Gofpell, fent from Chrift, fromhis ownemouth;Takeandeate,this if my body that is broken foryou: and this is my blood that mu/hedforyou andfor many,for the re. rnifionofinns, This is the fourthqualification that is required , that our faith and lave be in. tended, and our union increafed; that the will, refolution, andpurpofe oftakingChrift for our Lord,receive moredegrees ;that fo we may be more fall and firmely unitedandknit tohim ; which I fay is done partlyby the repetitionon both fides(for thevery repetitiondoth it; ) and partly by a new impreffion that thefe words, (take, Bate, &c) make on the foule. Now I adde the laft thing which isrcquircd, (ail' remember the maine thingwee are upon, that it is not e. noun for thee to be inChrift, but if thou wilt bee a worthy receiver, thou mutt have thefe foure qualifications in thee, that I have named already , Thou muff reconcile thy felfe anew, thoumuff rub ofthe ruft from thy foule which it