on theSacrament. it bath gatheredithonmuff recover thedi fiance that isgrowne betweene God and thee; Thou mu ft addean intendingand an increafe; Thou muff addc more degreesto thy faith and love, and after all theee.) Fiftly, and laftly, this is allo required (which is muchfor our benefit and comfort) namely, to put up thy requeff, when thoucomeft acere to theLord in the Sacrament: Now thou mutt notonely do this,but thoumutt allomake force ufe ofthecovenant, which the Lord bathmade with thee for his part,fo that thoumayefl think this with thy felte;When I come toreceive the Sacrament,I have but two workes todo,one is to recovenant with the Lord,& to renewmy r-e- pentance,and to fet all caven; and the other is to remember the Lords covenant. Youwill fay, what is the Covenant? It`s aCovenant that confifis of thefe three things or points; lnßificatìon, Iwillfo give t+líy ter.3 1.34.. fins;Sam tification, Iwillmakeyou new hearts and aaect,,3 c.:6: new f irirs;and the third,.4ll things areoars; that f cor .3. is, Ì have madeyou heiresof theworld, heires ofall things, youhaveall the promifes belong- ing to you,that belong to this life,& that which is tocome;this is theCovenant which theLord bath made. Now thou art boundwhen thou cornea to receive the Sacrament, not onely to remember this Covenant, Doe this (faith hee)in remembrance ofNlee, and not barely of me, and of mybeing crucified for thee ,8< ofall`the love X 4 that