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zo Eficr.5,3 ; The f condSermon that I have (hewed unto thee, but all() in re- membrance ofthe Covenant,andof thofe gra- cious protnifes, which are the particulars of which that Covenant is the fumme : and there- fore, thus a man is todo. What ? hath theLord vouchfafed mee this favour,that I maycome to his Table, I may comeand renew the nuptials and my covenant with hime Surely, then I will lookeabout and confider what I want,what rel queft I Thal put upuntohirmfor there is nothing that is wanting, but it iswithin this Covenant; and thouart toput up thy requeft in a fpeciall màner,whatfoever it be,beit concerningthings belonging to thy foule, tohave a ftronghaft mortified, to have thy hard heart foftned, to have fome fin that liesupon thyconfcience for. given,& to have that forgivenes affuredto thee be it any thing that concernes thyparticulare- ftate, ifit be tobe deliveredfrom a potent enc. my,or whatfoever it be, put up thy requeft, and that largely,open thy month wide,that is,make "thy requeft full,feareit not. Putthecafe(againe) it be fomewhat that clothnotconcerne thee,but that it concerneth the Churchabroad, or the Church at home, it is a cafe that much con- cernes anyof thefe in the Church, put itup to him,and put it up withconfidence. For this is a marriage day (as it were)it is the time when he reacheth outhis fcepter(as youknow the things I allude to)and thoumail}come tohis prefence: You know, when Helier was admitted to the pre-