Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

on the Sacrament. 3 2 I pretence oftheKing,then laidhe,What requef} haft thou: i' when thou art admitted to the 1 liarity and pretenceofthe Lord,helooks for it, 1 he asks what requeffyouhave toput up tohim? and the promifes are large enough: Iwiltgive it, whatfoever itbe, ifyou itske according to m1 wills and therefore, do in this cafeas Meyfesuíèd to do: you (hall find whenMoyfes drew neereunto the Lord, when he was admitted into his pre fcnce,and taw him face to face (for that was the great priviledgeMoyfes'had)when therewas a ny fpecialapparitionofthe Lord to him,Mofes makes this argument; (faithbee) It is a great mercy that thou wouldeft (hew mee this, that fucha poore man as T am, fhould have this pri- viledge, and give mee leave tomake ufe of it : Lord, f ìhave, foundfavour in thyfight, that is, EY°d,3 3Jy3, lince thou haft vouchfafed mee fuch a favourin thy fight, do thusand thus for me : you fee he made this requefl for the whole Church of God and faved them, or elfe theyhad beene de- ttroied.Ifthouhaft not any particularargument in this cafe, fay, If I have found favour in thy fight, do this : fo I fay, when thou haft this pro - mife confirmed,that Chrift hath givenhimfèlfe in thy fight, to do fo great a thing for me, deny to thee, and the fy mboll of that promifeis the breadand wine which hebath given tothee,put up thy requeft: OLord,ifthou haft vouchfafed togive mee thrift, wilt thou not with bimgive Rom.s,3æ, mee all things e ? Lord, ifI have found favour j mee