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3 2 2 The third Sermon me not this particular requeft. Thus we ought todoe, efpeciallywhen we come to things that arc beyond nature : when wecome, let us con - Lider with ourfelves ; Indeed I have a naturali difpofïtion that carries me ftroagly to evill , I flail never be able toovercome it,thercare fuch duties todoc,I (hallnever be able to performe them : Infuck a cafe thou mutt doe it the more earneftly,thou mutt tigh& groane to the Lord. $ King4, 34. Eh/h4bwhenhee comes to doe a thing fo much above the courfeofnature , as to raifcadead child tolife,hee fighed unto theLord,that is,he talks.' 54; prayedearneflly. Eti b, when hee would have Raine,hecryed,he tookemwchpaiues,he pray- ed.Somutt thou do in thiscafe andknow this for thy comfort, that though thou thinke thou (halt neverbe able todoe thefe things, to over- come fuch lufts, fuch hereditary difeafes,yet the Lord isable tohelpe thee:though thefeare pact naturall helper yet they are not pailthe heipe of tam4.6e grace;though the fpirit in us loft after envy; yet as the Apoftle lamesfaith, The Scriptures Or moregrace,that is,the Scriptures offergraceand ability to doemore than nature candoe; nature cannot healea fpirit that lu(tech after envy ; or anyother thing; a fpirit that lullsafter credit, af- ter money, after the finneofuncleanenefi'e,or whatfoevcr isprefented: now theScriptures of- fer that grace, that will overcome anyofthefe finnes,be theynever fo (trong, or foold; Chrift healed hereditary difèafcs, he healed thofe that were