on the Sacrament. 323 were borne lameand blind fo though thoube borne with fuch lulls, _ Chrift is able to heale thee; you fee a Prophet could heale Naamanof his Leprofie, when there was no other that could doe it;fo faith Chrift; Come untome afye, and t wiähealeyou..So thatyou fee weemutt put upour requefts to God. Mnh9ix, 28. ThethirdSermon.. V vE. have already made fomeentrance upon the words : I told youwhat the Apuítles fcope is in them, which is,to make knowne to all Chrillians to whom hewrote, a- nother great priviledge, betides that which hee namedbefore: that is, That hethat bath theSen. hathlife;this (faithhe)is another priviledge,that wbatfeeveryou aske,you /haál!have;onely rernetn» 'her that you have thisarance inhim that is;in Chrift Iefus;That point(what it is tobe inhim, that it maybe the ground °fall the benefits and priviledgeswee injoy) wehandled the latt day. Newwee cometo thepriviledge it felfe, lfwe aske any thing according tobis will, hee heareth rs. The words are fo plain, I fhal not need to(pend any time inopening®fthem,but deliver you the point that lyes foevidently before us : which is this, [That alltheprayers oftheSaints madeupon .earth, ate aßcrredlyheard inheaven] whatfoever we