3 4 ThethirdSermon C;oBip Efay.66, ;:,, weaske, ( faithhee) according tohis will hee heareth us, onely theconditions ma be obfer- ved. When you heare fuch ageneral' as this,it (nul: be limited, there are certaiae bounds fee to it which we will name unto you which are thcfe foure conditions. kirft, all the prayers that are made upon earth (hall be heard inhea- ven ; iftheybe theprayers ofa righteous man, and are faithful! and fervent. Theperm mutt berighteous, that mull firfí be re rmetabred : be- canfe, although theprayer be never fogood,yet except the perfon beeaccepted from whom it comes,theLord regards it not: you know is the oldLaw, thebloodofSwine was reckoned an a- bominable sacrifice, yet ifyou takethebloodof fheepe, and compare them together, you fhall' find no difference ; Itmay be theSwines blood is the better : thenwhats the reafon the Swines blood is not accepted? even becaufeoftke fub-' je6ofit,.it wasthe bloodofSwine, and there- fore youfee it was pest downe, that imasan a- bominable Sacrifice. Soitis with prayer ; Take the prayerofa Saint,and theprayer ofa.wicked man;it may be,ifyou looke upon thepetition, or whatfoever is in the prayer it felfe, you than finde forne time the prayers of a .godly, man more cold, and leffe fervent: the petitions are not fo well framed as the wickedmans: yet be+ caufe this comes from fuch a perfon, the :Lord regards it not; you knowthecondition isji en- tioned lamesfib The prayer of man,