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on theSacrament. nran availethmuch, ifit befervent. Now as this is required in the perfon, fo there is fornewhat required in the praier alfo,that is,that itbe fer- vent and faithfull;that it be fervent,youhave it in the fame place, Theprayer ofa righteone man availethmuchifit befrvent;that is, it muff bea prayer made from the fenceofthe mifery that is inus, &from the mercy ofGod, when a man takesa thing to heart, that he prayes for, and comes withconfidence to beeheard, fbr that makes him fervent. This the Lord will have, and alto he will have it faithfull: lames thefirfl, when the Apoftle exhorts them topraier,afany tames x,S.G, manwant wisdome(faithhe)let hint aske it ofGod. butthenmarke,hecarefully puts inthis candid.- on, fee that Hepray infaith, that is,beleeve that it fhál be done untohim:now this faith includes I repentance, for no mancanbeleevethat he (hall be heard,except he make hisheart perfe&with í od:Ifheallow any fin inhim felfe, he cannot beleeve upon anygood ground : therfore when I fay it muff be faithful,that alfo is included,we muff regardnowickednes in oarhearts,for in fuch palm, 8, a cafe, theLord Bares not, beehearts notfinners. r i_ 9,3 x' Loan So that thisyou muff remember; Firft,theper- fon muff be righteous, and the prayer muff bee fervent and faithfull, Secondly,the other Conditionyou fhalheare 2 Coni. in the Text, itmuff be according tohit will; you mutt notthinke, whatfoever you aske, if you aske it loofely at Gods hands, that it (hall pre- fently 3Z5