;26 T'he thirdSermon fentlybe graunted you:No(faithbefit muff be- Luke9.5... according to his will, ifyouaspire from hea- r , vex, that is not according to his will,and there- foreyou fee, they that askeit,weredenyedit,with this reafon,youknow not what you áske. Likewife Matth,so,zi, to f tat his right hand, andat bi left in heaven, 22. whichwas another requeft of the Difciples,he puts them bywith this; rouunderilandnot what you ,tske oftbeFather,and therefore it muffbe ac. a. Cond. cording tohis will. And that is the fecond. Thirdly ,we muí't aske it in time,induefeafen; fo the promife is true, XCnsckandit (hallbe opened toyen; but you know thefeelißvirgins knockt andit was not openedto the; what was therea fonof it a becaufe they askt when the time was part; for there is a certaine acceptable time when 21Cor,6. the Lordwillbe f rrnd:andwhen thatoportunity ispall; he is foundno more. It is true, that this life is the time of grace, but God in his leeret° counfell bath appointed a certainetime toevery man,which is theacceptable time,the dayofgrace; therefore he faithunto them, Thisday if.yore will Beare: thisday ifyouwill come and feeke unto mee, if you will pray untomee, I will hhere you when it's paff, the Lord fufiers not the doores to f}and open alwayes, his earesarenot alwayes open: therefore that condition muff be carefully remembered, you Muff aske in time; It is acondition that fhould hecarefully thought on by us. For,for the molt parr,wc fly to prayeras loabdid to the .Altar, bee went not to ._