on theSacrament. to it fordevotion (for then he wouldhave done it before) but when heewas in diflre e, when beewas is extremity, then bee fled to it, and therefore you know what fuccefre hee had by it,it favednothis life. Sowe goenot to prayer for devotion, that is, out oflove to God, to doe him thatfervice; but (for the rnoli part) weedo it out offelfe love, when we are inextremity or diftreffe, weepaffe the acceptable times he re- quires,andwegee tohim in a timeofour owne: For there is Gods time, andthere is our owne time; Gods time is to come to himwhen wee may do himfervice inour youth,in our ftrength inthe flower of ourgraces : Our time istogoe to him whenwe need not a friend fay (when wenever come to him,but when wehave extreme need ofhim) why do you come now? you werenot wont tovifit me bef©re,this is not out of love tome: Even the very fame anfwer theLord givetb;G,e toyour Idols (faithhe) thofe Iudg,ro,rq thatyouferved in the time ofpeace, andfie ifthey can belpeyour: The fourth and laft condition is, That wee referre the time,the manner, the meafueofgran. ling ourpetitions to the Lord. That is, we mull notthinke to be our owne carvers, to thinkeif it benotgranted in fuch a manner, fuck a mea Cure, or fuch a time, prefently the Lord bath rejected our petitions;no, he that beleeves 'makes' Fcaq,:s,r6,; NO bafie : Thatis,he waitsuponGod, heflayes himfelfe uponGod, he is content tohave it in that. 327 g. Conti,