328 T'he thirdSermon thattime, in that manner and meafure, as beft pleafeth the Lord : For the truth is, we know not our felveswhat is meete for usiwe are unto the Lord juft as the Paticat is to the Pbyfitian. Thepatient is importunate withhim, for fuck things to refre li andcafe him;But the Phyfitian knoweswhat beft belongs to him, and when to give himfuck things, in what manner, and in what meafure So theLordknowes beft what to doe: Many times.hec doth the fame things that we defire, though hedoe it not in the fame manner:Evenas thephyfitian he quenchthof ten the thirft withBerberrits, or with fuch kind ofconferves;what though it benot withdrinke, is it notall one fo the thirti be quenched ? Is it not all one whether a man bee hindred from ftriking ame,or ifI haveahelmet to defend the blow?f©tnetimes theLord keepes not offthee- nemy ; butthenhe gives usa helmet to kccpe offthofeblowes,tobeare thefe injuries and e- vills that aredone to us : he is a wife phyfitian, he knowes what manner, what meafure,and what time is beft, therefore that mull be refer. red to him: now thefeconditions beingobfer. ved, you mutt know that this great priviledge belongs to everyChriftian, That whatfoever prayers hemakes on earth, he is fore to bee heard inhcaven,it isawendrons priviledge,that which wee have all caufe to ftand amazed at, that the Lord fhould fo faire regard the formes ofnten,to grant them fucha Charter as this;no more