on the Sacrament. 329 more butaske and have, and what fo everyou prayfor, it !hall be done to you. But a man is ready to fay fecretly inhis heart when he heares it,This is toogood to be true, That whatfoever I aske, I fhall have. MyBeloved,' confeffe, it is a hard thing to beleeve it as wee ought todoe and therefore beforewe come to apply this, we will fpend a little time in endevouring tocon- vince you of the truth of it, that youmay not doubt of it,that what prayersyou make to the Lord hee is ready to heare them. Firft , confider that whatfoever prayer you make,hc takes noticeofit, heobfervs every pc- tition,there is not one petitió that you make to him at any time, but he lookes upen it, he fees what the prayer is. And this thing although you thinkeit common, (and who is there that know not this?) yet (my beloved) to beleeve this,to thinke that God is prefent where I make my prayer tohim, to thinke he {lands and hearesit, evenas I fpeaketo a man that ¡lands andheares me, andunderfkandswhat I fay to him ; This is agreat to us. That this is true, feein 4Epk.6..ifee is its all,and through all, and over all, That is, the Lord is in every man, hee paffeth through every thing, his eyes mot through the earth, and he is over all, lookingwhatfeclets are in mans bear:, what thoughts; yea he/arc het thinkes them he known them, bectufehee feeth them in theircaufes: Hee that is in aman, that lookes inall the fecret cornersofthe heart, bee Y mull Chron. 9. PAL 44.21. Pfal.13943.