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330 The thirdSermon mutt needs fee what thoughtshe bath what pe- titionshee putteth up fecretly, even then when his mouth fpeakes riot. And left that shouldnot beenough,faith hee, He is overall, you know one that hands on high, and lookes over all that is below, heeeasily can fee whatfoever is done; So the Lord, he is in all, he is through all, he is over al.But this is enough for that;only I would have you remember, that he takes noticeofall, he knower thy prayers. But youwill fay; I doubtnot ofthat, Imake no queftion but he heares me, and underftands me well enough:but how Thal I know that he is willing togrant the thing I pray for ? You (ball fee thefe 2 Reafons,in the 7. Mar, .' where our Saviour urgeth thisverypoint, that we havenow in hand, from the7.verfedowne- ward; dske(faithhe)andyeu/hallhave;feeke,and youlballfind; knock, andit ßiall beopeneduntoyou here is the promife,For(hebacks it with thefe 2. Reafons) Everyone that aai etb receiveth; andbe thatfeeketh,findeth ; andto hires that knocketh, it hall beopened unto bin: As ifbe fhould fay ; ye have this reafonfor it, why you fhould beleeve it,that it isno morebut aske andhave; for(faith he) allthat ever askedhaveobtained; all that ever have fought,have found; all that ever have knocked, it bathbeetleopened untothent.That' is,looke through the whole bookofGod, & fee what prayers ever have beene made tohinn,and you (hall finde, that there is not a prayer menti- oned