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on the Sacrament. 331 oned in all the Scriptures. but it bathbeene heard.Nowwhen we have fuch acloudofwit. neffes, it is aftrong reafon, when it is Paid to us that there were never any prayed but were heard. Why, you will fay ,Therewere many prayed that werenot hcard;Did not Davidpray for his Childe ,andwas not heard e Didnot Paul pray tobedelivered from fucha temptation,andwas not heard e MyBeloved, Its true, they were not heard forthe particular, but yet I dare be bold to fay, that Davidwas heard at that time , though (I fay)not in the particular;for though his Childe was taken away, yet you may fee theLordgave him aChilde of the famewoman , withmuch more advantage;hegave him a Childe that was legitimate, which this was not : hegave him a Childethat exceeded for wifedome, Salomon was theChild that he had:So that the Lorddid heare him,and gave himthis anfwer,as ifhe had faid tohim,Davidl haveheard thee,l know that thouart exceeding importunate; thou (halt not have this , but thoufink have another Childe which (hall bebetter. And fo he faith unto Paul z Cer.x2.Chrifi reveals this ur4ohim Paul(fai h he) though I grant thee not this particular re- queft, in the manner that thou wouldeft have me,( To takeaway the Eric%ofthe AOwhich thou fart troubledwith) thou (halt bee a greater gainer Iby ir,thouhadit better have it than want ic,whé I z Paul