Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

33a Niat11.7.9.Io, II.. The third Sermon Paul underífood that it wasa medicine, and not a poyfun as bee toóke itto be hee was content and refolved in it; Andaman refolveth not ex- cept he bea gainer. He fawthat Gods powerwou, . manifeff inhis weakeneje, andhee law himfelfe humbledby it;and whenhe faw that God gain- edgloryand himfelfe humiliation by it,he was content to bedenyed in it;. So I fay,whofoever asketh findeth,you (hall never finde anyexam- ple but that whofoever fought to theLord as heought, hewas certainely heard,or elfe he had fomewhat that was better granted tohim in- fteadofit.And this is the fiat reafon that isnfed heere. The fecond reafon is this ; What mana- mongyou, ifhis Son aske bread, wiligive him a flone ; or ifdie,uke afilk, wìulgive biasaferpem?if youthen that areevill,know howtogivegood things toyour children,howmuch more(halyour heavenly Fatherfive good things to them which askehim ( faith bee) you beenot able to perfwadeyour felves ofthis truth, becaufe you know not the Father,forhe dwells in light inacce(fable; you are not acquainted withhim, faith our Saviour: I will helpeyouout with an argument that you betterunder'fland;even uponearth(faith he)take but a father here,a father that is ill(but the Lord is full ofgoodnes; fathers havebut a drap,but a. fparke of mercy in them, whereas the. Lord is full of mercy,as the Lord isful of light,he is the Godofall comfort;) Yet, (faithbee) this fa-. ther (when his fonne comes to aske him bread) he