Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

on the Sacrament. he is ready togive it him,he is fullof copaflion and tenderises toward him doe you not thinke that our heavenlyFather is as truea father ashe, that bee loves you as well as he whole compaf fion and piety is much greatere doe younot thinke hee is ready to heare hisChildren when they call upon him:: O this is a thong and unan- fwerable Reafon,and thisyou fee is backed in16 fee there the loveofthe Father how it is expreffed to us; / f/ not wooyen that iwill cake the f ther (faith he) thefather.himfelfeloves Ion; Marke, as if hefhould have faid,let this be one ground toyou to thinkyour petitions shall be granted,and that theyare not onely granted for my fake, for (faith bee) theFather himfelfe loveth you, and bath a great affeaion to you, that is innaturali parents, there is a natural) af. fe&,tion to their Children; So ifI werenot its- mediatly to prefent your petitions(though that be notexcluded) yet (faith hee) the Father bath fuch an affection to you, that he cannot choofe but beam you; Iffy not (faith he) that !wig take thefather,,for thefather himflfe lovesyo,o. So that this is the fecond reafon which this promife is there backed with, the love ofthe father, That heecannot find in hisheart to deny us, even for that affection that he beareth to us. Weewill adde a third R.eafon that wee meet here in the fame chap. 16. lohn, 2 3. in that da ',youfhal duke án myname; veri,,,verily, Ifayuntoyou,yee(hall stake thefather inmy name, andhe willgiveityou; Y 3 Is 333 ,;,