4 3 4 The Daring ofMort cation; take heedthatthouneither refill the.Spirit,;nor grieve, norquench it. Now the Spi. Firfl, take heed th©urefift not the Spirit ; now a fit is Fctitcd. man is faid to refill theSpirit, when againft the light ofnatureandgrace herefìfeth the truth ; that is,when byarguments, and reafons, andocular demonftrations layd beforehim, wherebyhe is conviaofthetruthof thern,yet knowing that they aretrùth,he will notwith- ílandingfit downe his refolution that hee will not doe it ; this into refill theSpirit : Of this refitting of AeisG. io. & the Spiritwe readinArts 6. io.comparedwith .Aó.7. 7. %t 5 i. it faidofStephen, that they werea ofable to rejig the WJ' lome, andthespiritby whichbefjìake ; thatis, bee o-. verthrew them by argument and reafon, andthey were convinced in their confciencesofthe truth : and yet forall this it is fayd, AiIs 7. 5i . Tee have al vayes refilled theSpirit , asyour fathers have done; f doeyee : that is, howfoever yeewere conviainyour eonfcien- cesofthe truthofthis IDottrine which I deliver, yet youhave fet downe your refolutionthat youwill not obey. Nowthis is agrievous firne; for limesagainfl Godand +Chrifl fhall be forgiven, theyare capableof pardon, but therefiningof theSpirit, that is, finning againflrhelight of the Spirit, is defperateand` dan- serous. Secondly, what is meant bygrieving of the Spi. iow ttie iCYe Si- t rite Now a man isfayd to grieve the Spiritwhenhe commits anything that makes the Spirit to loath the foule ; and therefore the Apoftle faith, Grievenotthe Spirit, Ephef4.3o. that is, by foulefpeechesand rot- tencommunication ; for the Apoflle in the former verfehad exhorted them from naughty fpeeches, Let {faith