334 Thethird Sermon 4snv. It is brought in upon this occafion , when our Saviour Chriti was to goe from his Di fciples, theywere ready to corrrplaine, as we fee in the verfesbefore,they were ready to fay with them {elves, alas, what fhall wee doe whenour Ma, fier fhall be tooke from our head: Our Saviour anfwers them,you fhall doewell enough, doubt you not,for though I be not with youiyet (faith he)gotothe father inmy name,and whatfeever you aske of him, you flu II have it : So that lice anfwers that objedion, whena man is ready to fay: Its true, I know that a father is exceeding lo- ving tohis Children: But it may be,my carriage hathnot beene fuch I am full of infirmities, I have much inme that may turne the loveand of fecîion ofmy Father from me. Put thecafe youhave,yet Chrifi adds this for your comfort, If(faith he) the Father will not doe it for your fake, yet doubt younor, ifyou aske inmy name,he will doe it ; doe we not fee it ufu&1among men, That one that is a meere ftranger w another, if bee get a letter from a friend, he thinkes to prevaile; and hedoth fo, becaufe though it beenot done for his fake (it may be bee'is a ftranger, one that deferved no- thingkillshands)yet fuch a friend maydeferve much: And when wegoe toGod in thenameof Chrift, this anfwers all the objecdions wharf°. everyoucan fayagain(l yourfelves,it.is all fatis -1 tied in this: I goe in his name, I am lure he bath fup