Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

33. Thethird Sermon to hitn on earth, (So the conditions he obfer- ved) they are furelyhear.d in heaven. Now to apply this: Firf}, ifthe Lordbee fo readyto. 'ware, then this Mould teach us tobee more fervent in this dutyofprayer than corn monly weare ; for rowhat end are fuchpromi- fes as this,but to encourage us todo our duties? when wee beam that prayer is offo much effi racy, that it prevailcs with the Lord for any thing,fhall we fuffer it to lyeby (as it were) and not make ufe ofit?Ifa drug,or apretious balme were commended tous, and it were told us, that ifwee made ufe-of it, it would heale any wound, it will heale any fickenes, and thiq and this vertue it bath : Willa wife man fuffer it to lye by him,will henot ufe ir,and feewhat venue it hash?,And whenit is.faid unto us;that praier is thus prevalent with the Lord, that it isthus po_ tent,thar it is thus able toprevaile with him for any thing,fhall wee not make ufeof it,when we are inany diftreffe, when wee need any thing when we havcany difeafè,citheroffoule orbo- dy to heale? Let us Rye to this refuge that him- e! e bath appointed. If a King of theearth {nouldfay toa man, }will be ready todoe thee a good turne , make ufe of mewhen thou haft occafon ; he would be ready enough to do it. Nowwhen,the Lordof heaven faith,askewhat youwill at my hands,and I will doe it; (hail we not feeke to him,and make ufeofinch a promife as this?Belovedwe are too backward in this;we fhot,Id