on theSacrament. 337 should bemore aboundant in this duty than we are,, we fhould make More account of it. For I whatfoever thecafebe, ifyou doe but feeke to I tke Lord, if thou doeft but fet downe thy refo- f. lotion with thy felfe: Well,I fee it is a thing(ifI Tooke upon the creatureand the meanes) I have little hope of, but the Lord is able todoe ìt; and therefore I will goe to him, I will weary him, and I will, not give him over, I will not give him normy felfe any reft,tiilI have obtained it: I fay it isimpAble thou fhouldeft faile in 'fuck a cafe,Qnely remember to beimportunate,for an importunate fuiter hee cannot deny. You know the parableofthe unjufl lodge. You know Luk, r s, s, ;, _alto theparableoftheman that is in bedwith his isk<11.7. childrea;w. enthewrddowwas importunate,when the knockt and would give him no reft, he gives `her redreffe; the other rifeth and giveth his friend as many loves is he ¡r; l,faith theText;yea thocgb fbe werenot his friend, (for this is themea- .niagof it:)1f,faithhe, the Lord hadnot much love to you, if hee had not fuch an affeaion, if you did not come to,him in the nameof Chrifl whom bee loves, in whom he isready to grant whatfoever you aske, ifhee werenot a friend 'to you ; yet for your very importunity, he is 'ready to do it. As the unjuft fudge (for that is the (copeof the parable) bre had nominde to ,grant the widdowes requcft, heehad no Iuftice inhim tomove him, he had no mercy nor corn- paffron,yet forveryimportunity hegrunted it. Re.