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2Kiag.q.,i9. ;I Aa.19,i 5. The thirdSermon Remember and obferve thecondition, for this is commonly a fault among us; whenwe goe to prayer,wethinke that the very putting upofthe prayer will doe it. No, there is more requi- red than fo. As it is the errorof the Country people,when they Beare fay, that fuchan herbe is good for fuch adifeafe, they are ready to thinke, that(howfoever it be tooke or applyed) it willheale the difeafe; No it mull be applyed in fùch a manner, it muff beeufed ist fuch a fa- fhion. Soit is with prayer, you mull not onely doe theduty ( and therefore whenwee exhort you to it, not onely to call uponGod, for men are readyenough todoe that, efpecially in the time ofdiftreífe,) but with thefe conditions I have named. Youknow Gehizi when bee had got the flaffe ofEirga, bee went to theChild, but it wasnot the ílaffe that could raife thechild from death to life, there was fornething more required. So in prayer, it is not meere prayer that will dot it, there is fomething elfe, there mull; be other conditions that cautl bee obfer- ved. For weeare wont to doe with it, as thefe Conjurers were wont todoe with thenameof Iefus;they thought if theyufed thename of fe- fus,it was enough : but yee know what anfwer. theSpirit gives them, iefi we know,andPaul we knpw,6w who4reyee? So I fay, weare wont to doe in thiscafe, we thinke it is enough to make our requell, and that is all. No, there is forne- what more required, you muff makeyourre- quell