quoit in fad) a manner as ye ought.Then I adde I on theSacrament. 339 this fiirther,that when thou rnaketi them in lucid a manner, yetthou mutt not thinke to be heard for thy praiers fke:thaiisanother thingwe are apt to faile in. When wee have made fervent prayers, and have beene importunate with the Lord, wee thinke now fu rely we (hall notfile. No, you mil know this, the promife is not made to theprayer, but to theperfon praying. YouThali not ende throughout the whole fcrip. ture that any promife Is made thus, becauie wee pray fervently wee (hall beheard: but it is made to theperfori praying, the prayer is but the inftrutnent, but the meanesby which the bleffing is conveyed to us, is a meanes without which theLord willnot doe ir, for the promife is made to the party. A cold prayer (fo there be no negle61 in ir, fo a man fide the Lord, and pray as well as heecan,) it will prevaile fome.. times as well as a fervent prayer: Who indites the petition, who makes the prayer fervent? Sorely not thy felfe, but the Hay Gibe: he makes Rom 26 repefl in to, fometimes hee makes thee more 17. fervent, bee enlargeth the heart more : forne- times againe the heart is more ftraitned in the performanceof this duty but bothmay corne from the fame Spirit. Not but that wee have caufe of much comfort, when wee are able to pray fervently, for this isa groundofour com- fort, that whenwepray fervently, it is an argu- ment that theHoly Ghoft dwels inour hearts,and that