Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The thirdSermon that our prayersare diluted byhim; it is an ar. gument,that our prayers come from a holy fire within. And therefore fervent prayer may give us hopeofbeing heard , but yet it is not meerely theprayer, but becaufe it is an evidence that it comes from a right principle,that it comes from the regenerateparr,and is made by theaíiiílance of the Holy Ghof it is not the very fervency that prevailes. And therefore whenyou heare this, that theLord is ready toheare,I fay make that ufeofit,' bee fervent in thisduty, remem- berthe conditions : and yet withallknow, that you arenot heard for the very prayers fake, but for Iefus Chritl his fake.Hc makes everypraier acceptable, beemingles themwithhis fweete odours. And if you objear, ObutI am a man full of infirmities. You know how it is anfwered in the Fitt of lames, (faith he)Eliahwhen heewas heard, he was a man, anda manfrubjeál topafions, & to the lakepaions that wee are : As if he fhould fay,do not thinke that Eliah was therefore heard, be- caufe hee was an extraordinary Prophet, for it was becaufe the Lord had made a promife to Ihim, and heecomes and urges that promife to the Lord, and therefore the Lord heardhim. I So (faith hee) thould everyoneofyou, if you l have the promife, youmaygoeand urge it, as iwel as Eliabdid:thoughyou be fubje6t to many iofirmities,Eliahwas even fo. You know there E are