on theSacrament. 33 are infirmities and patlions expreffed in the Scriptures that he was fuhjecTt to. And this is the firfl ufewe areco make of it, to be frequent and fervent in:this-duty, fince wee have Inch a promife. Secondly, ifwee have fuch a promife ,, then wee fhould learnehence (whenwe have put up 2 our prayers at any time) to makemore account ofthem than we doe . for the truth is,that we pray for the motl part for fafhion fake, many a man faith thuswith himfelfe : I will feeke the Lord, if it doe menogood, it will doe no hurt;. but ifwee made that account ofour prayersar we (hould,wewould performe thisduty in ark). ther manner; but wedoe not make that account ofthem aswee ought._ Wee rhinke not with our (elves that the prayers that wee make are furely heard:therbe many evidences of it;what isthe reafon,that when wee feeke the Lord,we 'doeit fo remifly that wee have fcarce feature to make an endofour prayers.: we, are to ready to ha(Iea andgoe about other bufine(1è., wee are ready to turneevery flow, to ufe all imam to feekethecreatures withall diligence : but w ho prayes to the Lord as heought, to orke his heart to fuchafervent performanceofthat duty ashce Ihould ? men have fcarcely feature, for it is ufuall with themwhen theyhave bu(inetie to doe, and enterprifes to bring to pafï'e, theyare exceedingdiligent toufe all wanes; and yet are remiffe in the chicfe:what is the.reafonels,that wel