34z The third Sermon wee fee thedoores of' Princes andgreat men fo full of fakers, though there bee porters fet on purpofe to drive them away ; but thegates of heaven are foempty ? It is indeed b.caufe wee doe not beleeveour prayers areheard, wee do but make our prayers for fafhion. What is the reafon likewife, that we ufeprayer in the time ofdiflreffe(ifit will be an effetuall meanes to helpeus,whenall other meanes failed why ufe we it not before ? But that is anargument that wee trufl not to it,feeingwe ufe it, onely in the timeofextremity:ferifit benoteff6lua.11,why oweufe itthen? Ifit be cffe ivall, whydonot wee ufe it till that accident? Therefore this ufe wee mufffurther make,when weeheart that the. Lordhearcs our prayers, tomakemoreaccount ofthem thanweedo, to thinkethat'ourprayers when they areput up to the Lord ilia! be heard. Say thuswith thy felfe,Well , now I have pray- ed, and I expe.`t that the thing fhouldbe gran- ted that I have prayer for ; when I feeke to the Lord. It=s true, I denynot but wee mull ufe the meanes too, wee mull lay thehands upon the plough,and yet pray ; both ought tobedone,as fometimesweu'fetwofriends,but we truft one; wee ufe two Phylitians, but we put confidence inone ofthem : In like manner wee mull both pray and ufe themanes, butfò as wee putour chiefe trufl in prayer, "ic is notmeanes that will doe it. Butthe rrtilhis, weedoe the quite con- trary It may be, we prayand ufe the manes, but