Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Ion theSacrament. but wee truft themeanes, and not the prayer: thatis a common and a great fault amongus, it is apeece ofAtheifine, for men to thinke the Lord regards their prayers, no more than bee regards the bleating of fheepe or the lowing ofoxen,to thinke heheeds themnot. And its a great part of faith to thinke that the Lord har- kens to them and regards the,,ascertainely he doth. Butyouwill fay, I haveprayed, and amnot heard, and have fought to the Lord, and have found no anfwer. Well,it may be thou haft not for theprefent, but haft thou flayed the Lords leafure?(for that is to be confidered in this cafe, ), fometimes the Lord comes quickly, he gives a quickanfwer to our requefts;fomtimes he flaies longer: But this isourcomfort,that when the returne is longer, the gaine is the greater:is we fee in rrades,fome trades have their returne veryguide, it may be the tradefmensmoney is returned everyweeke, but then their gaine isfo touch the lighter; but when theirreturne is flower, as is your great merchants,when it flayes three or foureyeares, wee feethe Mips comehome laden, bringing fo much the more : So ( for the moft part) when our prayersdoflay long, they returnewith the greater bleffings, they returne laaden with rich comodities.Let this be anencouragement tous Though I ftay,the Lord will grant it;and thinke not with thy. felfe, I made fucha prayer long agoe, 334 Aefiv