Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

344 The thirdSermon ague,[ found no fruit ofit; for be fure,the Lord remembreth thy prayer, though thou haft for- gotten it, the prayers that thou madefta good many yeares ague, may doe theegood many yeares hence. Maynot a man pray to havehis Child fanótihed, tohave himbrought to better order ? It may bebee lives many yeares, and fees nofuch thing, yet in the end, the prayer maybeef feC ual1: So likewife it maybe in ma- ny cafes,you fee thereare manyexamples for it: 4braharmprayed,he flayedlong; but you fee it was a greatbleffing that hehad,whenhe prayed for a Sonne, you knowwhat a Sonneheewas, he was aSonne ofthepromife, in whom all the nations ofthe earth were blefled. So David when the Lord prornifed-him a kingdoms, bee flaied long for it: Many fuch examples thereare. Thereforecomfort thy felfewith this: though I flay long, this is myhope,this is myencourage. ment,that fuftaines me, If I feeke the Lord,and waite upon him, .Hee will come with a great bleífìng,thegaine fhall bec heavierandgreater, though the returne be not fo quickand fudden, Vfe Laft ofall, whenyou heare fuch apremifeas this, That whatfoever you asks you (hall bee heard in it; you fh all hence learn, to fpend forme time inthemeditationofthisgreat privi. ledge that the Saints have, andnonebut they; This I propound to every mans confideration; that thofe that arenot Chriflians, that is, thofe that arenot regenerate, may knowwhat they { lofe