Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

on the Sacrament. 343 lofeby it ; and thofe that are, may underhand the happigesoftheir condition , that theymay learnetomagnify it, and toblef% therfelves in that condition, that they have fuch a great pri- viledge as this : It is nomore but askeandhave, therefore that which in the thirdplace I exhort you to, is this, namely to fpend time in theme ditation ofit, to confider what agreat advan. tage it is; Davidcannot fatisfiehirnièlfe enough in it:In ró.and a z 6.Pflmes;Lord Ilove theedeare. ly: bee cannot prayfe enough,and why' fought to thee indiftreffe,er thouheardefl me;icalledupon thee, and them inclinedjl thineBare, tomypraier. I fay,confider this mercy asyou ought to doe, it is parr ofthe thanker we owe to the Lord for fo an exceeding priviiedge, Thatwhatfoever our cafebee, it is no more, but put upour requefts, and wee (hall bee heard. When there was a fpeech among force holy men (as you know that man that was named in the fiory ;) what was the belt trade, he anfwered,Beggerie; It is the hardeft, and it is the rìcheí} trade. Now he underftands it not, . ofcommon beggery ( for this is the pooreft andeafieft trade, that conditi- on he puts in) but (faith !lee) I underhand it of a prayerto God, that kindofbeggery I meane; whichas it is the hardeft, nothing more hard than to pray toGod as weeought, fo withall there is thiscomfort in it, it is the richeft trade ofall others; themis noway to inrichour (elves fo much, withall thepromifes that belongei- Z Cher