-----..._. 3 46 The third. Sermon Cher to this life, or that which is to come: Evenas you feeamong Courtier,a men a tj Favo rite in theCourt,gets moreby one fuite,(it may beithan a Tradefnan,orMerchant,orhusband man getswithtwenty yeares labour, though he takes much pairles; for one requefi may bring moreprofit,may makea Courtier richer than fo many yeares labour and paines: So in like cafe a faithful! prayer,put up toGod,may moreprc- vaile with him., wee may obtains moreat his bands by it,thanby many yeares labour,or ufing many rneanes; and therefore it is a rich trade, and great priviledge, a priviledge that weean. not thinkeenough of, that wee cannot efteeme enough. Youhave heardofanoble man in this Kingdonie, that had a Ring given him by the ieerae, with this promife : that ifbe Pent that Ring toher,at any time when he was in diares, fhe would remember himand deliver him; This wasa great priviledge from a Priuceç and-yet you fee, what that was fiubial unto s he might be in fuck a diftrefFe , when neither King not Queenecould be able tohelps himor though they wereable,,(as. Thee was in that cafe) yet it might be fent,.8 not delivered :Now then con- lider what the Lord doth tous. Heehathgiven us this priviledge, he bath given us prayer, as it were this Ring, hehathgiven us rhat toufc,and tellsus whatfoever our cafe is, whatfoever wee ate whatfoever we fiand inneedof,whatfoever difireffewee are in, doebut fend this up tame, (faith