)1' on the Sacrament. (faithhee)dobut deliver rhat nieffàge up to me of prayer, and I will bee fure to relieve you. Now certainely what cafe foever wee are in,: when we fend up this, it is fure to be conveyed, wherfoever we are:Againe,whatfoever ourcafe is,we fend ittoone that is abletohelpe us,which a Prince many times is notable todoe.This be nefit we have by prayer : That whatfoever w e aske at the Lords hands,wee (hall have ir Now confider this great advantagewhich youhave ; It is expreffed 4 chit. in thefe words, Be inno- thingcarefaa(faiththe Apoflle:) And that you may fee weehave ground for this generality, In nothing beecarefall, but no all things makeyour re- quellsknowneuntoGod.That is,whatfoever your cafe bee, I make no exceptionat all , but what foever youEland in neede of, whether it con- cernesyour foules oryour bodies,your nameor your eflate 5 yet be innothingcareful'. This is a great matter : There is none amongfl you that heares menow, but fometirneor other hee is careful' of fornethingor other, forwhich he is folicitous:Nowwhen a tnanhears fucka voyce fromheaven, that the Lord himfelfe faith to us,, Beecarefullfor nothing, doenomore but make . your requeftknowne, it is well enough, I will. furely heare in heaven,and grant it ; It is agreat comfort. Beloved, comfort your (elves with fe words, and thinke this with your(elves, the this is that Charter, &great Grant that the that ath given you,and tononebut you, that rf,rri h Z z what 347