Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Thethird Sermon 1 what prayers you make to him, bee heareth you. Que". But it will beobjeeted, why is thisfaid foge- nerally ? Thatwee mull innothing be carefull, but inall things makeour requeit knowns? For then ifa manwere buta poore man, it is butgo. ing to theLord,and asking riches, andhec fball have them ; Ifamanwere fickeofan incurable difeafe, it were no more but goingto theLord, andhee lhould be lure to berecovered;Ifaman bath anenterprife tobring topaffe,it is no more but goe tohim,and it (ball be done : what is the reafon then, that godlyandholymen have not thefe things granted to them ? To this I anfwer,youmuff under(fand it with ityiv. this condition, even as it is witha Father(I w ill prove it toyou by that) fiuppofe beMould fay tohis forme, I will deny theenothing, whatfoe. vet I have, I will deny thee nothing but thou (halehave partin it; Though hefay nomore,yct we underfand it with thefeconditions. Firfl,that ifhis Chille fhalaske him for that, it that is not good for him, or if thechild ihould refufetohave that done, orpray his Fatherand fay , I befeech youdoe it not, when the Father knowes it isgood : here the Father is not bound hee thinkes : as for example, ifa Father fees his childe needes phyfck,it may be,thechild finds it bitter, and therefore is exceeding loath to take ir,it makes him ficke,and is irkefome unto him, fothat beeearneLily delires his Father that bee k,-;-,,e may