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on theSacrament. may be excufed,that he might be freed from it; In this Cafe, the father will not hearehim, for hee knowes the Child is but mifiaken. On the other fide; if the Child askefomething that is very hurtfull, ifheaskefor wine in a feaver,the Father denyes it him; No, (faithhec) you are mííiaken, I knowyour delire isthat you might have health and recover, and this I knowwill hurtyou,though you know it not; This theFa- ther undertiands, and therefore heputsin that condition. So when the Lord faith, In nothing be carefuII, but in all things makeyour reque.s known: Ifyou mifiake the matter at any time, andyour prayer shall not bee thediaateof the Spirit, (fothat yeealway make requeíi accord - ing to his will) but the dietare ofyour owne hearts, and fhall bee theexpref ioa ofyour na- turali Spirit, andnot the Lords Spirit : In this cafe there is nopromife of being heard, andyet the Lord makes hisWordgood, Be in nothing carefull, but in all things make your requefis knowne. Secondly,a Father when hefaith tohis Child 2 I will deny you nothing, but you have part inall that I have, yet the Childmay carry himfelfe fo, that theFather, upon fuchan occa- fonmay deny hint, and bee ready to fayunto him; Well, ifyou had followed your Booke, if you had not runny into fuch diforders, if you hadnot bin negligent todoe what I gaveyou in charge, I wouldhave done it : In this cafe, the Z 3 Father 349