35° The thirdSermon Father withholds the blefïìng that bee willbe. flow upon hisChild;not becaufe he is unwilling to bellow it, but becaufe hewould thus nurture ï his Child, he ufeth itas a meanes to bring him Arumb.zo.z I. to order: So the Lord faith to Moyfes, That be- Pfal.io 6,3 z, caufe be had fpoken unadvifedly, becaufe he had a 3 I not honoured him before the people, at thofe waters, thewaters offrife , therefore the Lord tels himby the Prophet,hefhouldnotgoe into the 2 Sam, i 2.Iq, good land: And fo he tels David,that becaufe he had finnedagainfi him, hee mouldnotgiv.e himthe lifeofthe Child: So the Lord faith tous fotme- times ; I will not grant you this requefl; for though I beewilling togrant it, yet this is one part ofthedifcipline and nurture that I ufe to my Children, That fuch a particular requefl, I will denyyou forfuch an offence;as wor/hipping ofidols, &c. Beloved this is not a general! deny- all,& this is not for ourdifadvantage,but it is a helpe to us , it makes us better, that fornetime we Cnouldbe denyed : knowing hereby that it is denied to us for our finne,that we may learne tocome to the Lord,andrenew our repentance, . and to take that away,that wemay come to pre. vaile inour prayers with him. Thirdly, whena Father is willing togrant ir, 3 ; yet bee will thus fay to his Child,Though I be willing to doe what you askeat my hands, yet I will not have you aske it rudely, Twill have you aske it in a good manner, and a good Fa. Chien, (For when weecome tocall uponGod, and __P