Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

3 I on theSacrament. 5 & come in anunreverent manner, in fuch a cafe the Lordheares not.) Oragaine, het will fay I tohis child ; lam ready toheareyou, but you muft not aske in a negligent manner, as ifyou carednot whether youhad itor no: So the Lord faith tousi1 wil have you to pray fervently,you fhall aske it. as that whichyou prize. Againe he will fay tohis child: I am willing to bellow this upon you, but I do not giveyou this mony to fpendit amiffe, toplay it away , to fpend it in trifles,and geugawes,that will do you nogood: So faith the Lord, I am willing to give you riches, but not to bellow upon your lifts. Thus Iam 4.3. fpeakes the father to his child, whenbee comes to aske bee refs him bee mull come in filch a manner as becomes achild, hee muff fpeake to himas to a Father, he muff fpeake with confi- dencetoreceive it: Soalfa the Lord tels us, wee tam 1,6. !null come infaithiSD that(in a word)this is tobe -remembred; That though the Lord protnife, 'that heewill give whatfoever we aske,and bids *, In nothing be carefull, but make our re quefts knovvne ; yet notwithflanding this, hee would have us w underftand that our requetis be made in filch a manner as they ought tobee. .Laft bfall,it may be the Father is willing to doe it ; butbee makes a little paufe, bee will not give it prefently, and fuddenly to hischild, though be purpofe to below it upon him 'that he may come by ir with difficulty; So tlie Lord ufeth to with-hold his bleffings many times , that his