Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Contenti: '4, Flow to efieet>pe thexneanes of Grace. 5. Toexamineour f'elves whether wee have this life in usor no. . . How t,he,,D,ivell deceiveseivill men. P 2p Two 'ism.of_zlrtiekéning p. 2 z i. .fl fenfible,co,wfideration of' our eflate by Nattere. 2. An univer fdlchange. P 292 An application to examine ourfelves beforewee re cervethesacratnent TwokinderofSpiritually deadmen : p 23 Firft, Starkedead. Signes thereof. I. Pojitive. p. 24 i. .flearelefeneglecri ofgoodne, 2. //lying/MI/nosy/V. P. .4livingluft what it is. ,3. Andntipathy to Godandgoodnfe. p.26 lt, Privative. i. Privationoff,,eech, P. 2. Privation ofheat. . 28 Adifference betweene thecoldnejfeofagodlymats andawicked. 3. Stfeneffe. 4. Privationoffenf, 5. Nofympathizingin the miferïerofother.s. p. 3m Two thingsmay move us to confider the miferies of theChurch. 31 Thegreatnéffe efthe Judgerrstist on them. p.3a 2 our ability to lelpethem, Forthechupebwenie, I: Prayforit. d: $ Our