The Contents (Fervent. 1 Spirituali: w Our prayers mufbee< of f ith. Withconflancy.: of righteoufneff. LkWithhumility p.33 z. Bemorezealous, P. 34 3. Stirreupothers. 4. Performedtiesindue time. P. 3/ 5. Per forme or dutieswithcontinuance. p. 36 TheDive'scunningto deferre men from doing goodduties. P. 37, Secorrdly, Seemingly livingmen ó Signes thereofare, 1. They doe notgrorv. P. 40 2. Treyare movedby anoutwardprinciple. 3. Theyfeemelivingbut infame places andcompa- nies. P4z 4... They fpeakefrom theteeth, notfrom the heart. P42 Junius convertedbya Country mans hearty ibid. Themeans toget life s Ta labour tofee this death. z 2'a goe to Chrjifor lift. P43 DOCTRINE II. T Hat whofoever mould 6ee tranjlatedfrom . death to lìfe, mK, ffirft apprehendhimreffi tobee a childo,f Rratbo P-44