The Contents; Three thing, keep urfrom Chrift 1. Vnbeleefe. P. 45 2. NegleCofhim. P. 46 3. Ynwillingnef to part with other things for him. Three things to bee f t aping thrfe, to bring ws to Chr/ : z . Faith to beleeve he isGod. 2. Height Humiliation to bring us in lovewith Chifl. 3. SoundHumiliationtobee willing topartwith at forChrft. The necefßityofa deephumiliation. Without a foundbumìlaaiion, z. We roll of come toChr . P.47 2. Wewill notflay withhint. Hummiliation compared to the fore grorands Math. 13. 3., Weewill not doe or fifer any thingfor him.' P. 4g. Foúrereafons confirming theDoi'írine. p.. 49 TheDolirineof Hunsiltationmuff goe before Santofr- cation. p, 5v USE._ Not tocontentour f luer with Morality andCivility for exceptwe have more than nature in ras, wee can- not befaxed. ibicL SITEST. I- Wherein trueHumiliation confifis ? ANSW. ¡n three things 4;3: