Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Contents, 1. Infeeingour lives aboundwithafuallfusses: 2. In confidering there isnothinggoodin tes. 3. in Baiting our hearts with an apprehcnfion of Gods corp. QUEST. II. Whatkinde offorrory is requiredto true Humiliation ? p53 1NSW. 4 farrow convincing the judgement, andmoving the affelíians. QUEST. III, Howfhall wee knowwhether this farrowbe trueor no? p. 54, ANSW. TrueHumiliation differs_Pons otherfarrow i. h tkerife. 2. in the 3. By thefignes ofbrokenneffe ofheart. Contrition of heart, p. 55, i . Heales ourfumes. 2. Caufeth love to chrr. Sipesofour love to Chrjt, are, 13.56 . obedience. 2. Aid-lion towards him. 3. 2behighprizingof Spirituall things. p. 57 4. Cortentedneffewith themeaneft condition. 5. Feare ofoffending God. p. 58 Tenderneffe of Confcience wherein it corfiâís p. 59 6. The findingoffrveetne f in the Wordof God 7. Meeknefeof/firit,