rk1 e Contents: Humiliation changeth our nature. p, 6o QUEST. IV. Whether this Humiliationbe inall men ANSW. it mr f be in all, or elf theywill fallarvay. p, 61 Thedifference ofhumiliation inonewelleducatedand a groffefanner. JEST. V. What is the leaf! degreeofHumiliation t p.62 ANSW, To count pone the greateît evill, Chrf thegre..t,/i good. .el mansconverfion confJls is i. Being frsndlyhumbled. z. stedfafily layingholdof Chrif. 3. Newnefe of lift. QUEST. VI. How 'ballwe come tobethusbumbled?' AN SW. The Law theonely means toHumiliation: p. 63 Thefiiritofbondagewhat,. andwhy required humili- ation. p. HowAfJlidionsandtheLaw coxcurreto humiliation. Fivemeans tohumiliation. p. 65 x . Toconfider ourRates. 2. Tofijfer furrow toabide on us. p. 66 3. Tofee f nneinits ef, feus. p.67 4. Tomakethef evilsprefent by;faith. Two thingsought to bepreferit befores z. Allfrnnespaf.. 2. Thingsfuture. p. 68 ' To