The Contents. 5. To take holdoflb/fr. p. 68 Eight thifts whereby menthinke to keepe off:judgements. 1. Civility. Formallperformanceof holy duties. p. 69 3. Badnefe of Nature. Two Cautions thereto. 4. Gods mercy. 5. Themaking confcienceofmany things. p. 74 6. Thedelay of the executionofjudgement. 7. Afalfe opinionofour Oates. P. 71 Three Cautions thereto. S. An opinion that fome fbould bee holy, and not all. USE. Toperfwade us to humble our felve.s. DOCTRINE III. Viloforver will come to Chrift, mayawe and V fiudemercy. P. 73 Explication oftheDoarine . begroundsof the DolIrineare there two p.74. I. otberwifè nogroundoffifth. 2. Faith is about things thatare. USE. to exhort every onethat ishumbled, and fee-s what need bee bathof Chrift, to come to hirn tobee quickened. p:75 Every one would takeChrifl as a Saviour, butnot a a Lord. p. 76 chriflgives whomhe quickeneth,a threefold *. p. 77 DOCTRINE