Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Contents: DOCTRINE IV. NiVVHofoeverwalkethin anycourfe offirs, isaà'eiÁ man, andthe childof wrath. p.8o The Doc`lrineprovedby Scripture. By Reafon. p. 8x. REASON I. He that walketh in f ime, isoveraweofflnne. REAS. II. In him lime hashthe ehiefef command, and God no place. 13.8z, OBJECT. AnHypotrite keepeshisfanin,andfuffersit not tobreaks out, andtherefore itir not.predomtnatrt. ANSW. it is nomatterfor that, for God jndgeth according to the inward heart. REAS. III. He is an Hypocrite. P. 83 Godbath ref jea tofmall things withfincerity, more thanmanygreat thingswithhypocri f e. REAS. IV. Bee is ready to rranne into other finites upon occafion. p. 84 QUEST. PYhat this walking is. P. 85.