The Contents: zt1. In the re oftheir allions ; agood Cos?fi.ience maybetroubledabout one thing, andyet the?VI ofthe ¿lionsgood ; but an evill Confciencegrowes worfc andwofe in other things. QUEST. IL Carnallman lothmanygoodthings, and allowesnot himfelfein any fine, andwhat Bothagodlyman doe more :? p. 92 ANSW. 4godlymananda wickedmay be faldboth toagree and differ: t. They agree in theway, anddiffer in theendof their, journey. z. Theyagree anddiffer in the d(approvingofevill. Difapprovingofevilltvofold : arifing P. 93 (tons as Principle inNature, Confcience. TruePrincipleof regeneration. Threefignes todifiinguifh betweenanaturalldz./likeeoft, vil, andaregenerate. T. AdelightfullabfainingfromJinn. z._ Achangeandrifingof the heart both agaiafl old limns, andthedoers ofthem. P. 94. 3. "'changeof thewholeman. QUEST. III. Godly men often relapfeas wellasthewicked; therefore how 'hall 1diftingui7h between they ANSW. Threefgnesof dftinllion between a godly mansrdaap.. 42 fing