Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Contentsä f sg andlying itsfnne. p. 95 i. fiehatb nopurpofe tofnne. 2. Hefavoureth not hisfürne, p. 96 3. Hefallsnot into thefamefinne, 1. sooften u before. 2. After thefiremanner, P.97 QUEST.IV.' Who isitthat finnethnot ? ANSW. AllmenAnne ; but there isa double deferencebetween the f Vines ofthegodly andthewicked. . In the rvicked fomePanne isever predominant. 2. I he wickedcommitfin a aproperworke. p. 98 QUEST. V. Hors (hallwe. difinguifhbetneene thepurpofsofthegod ly randthewicked? JANSW. Thepurpofesof the wicked areweake and fruitteffe, but ofthegodly.flrongandefe4uall,. p.99 USE 2. Tocomfort all thofe that doenot continuein f ñne. Forecomforts ina erfeöl heart : i Contentednep to forfake lax`.: - z_ Ability toprayer. 3. Ability tobeareaffttions. q.. Soundpeaceandlaflìng.