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theSpiritual deathin Prove 3 tbeé light. Alfo in the Gofpell, our Saviour Chrifl faith, Let the dead goe burie the dead .. that is, let fuch as aredead in trefpaífesand finnes, goe burie thofe that are dead through finne. Byall which places it plainly appears,that all menbynatureare dead in finne. This men confidernot: You would thinke it agafhly fight to fee Churches,ftreets,and houfes forto lye full of dead corpes : but forto fee places full of Men fpiritually dead, which is farre the worfe, isa, moregaff}ly fight ; and yet whoamorigft usis there, álmoft, that loth confa, 'der it ó? Iñ thisdeath-in trefpafïesand finnes, for our ful- lerunderftandingof it, I willPhew you these five things : . What this death's. z Thekinds ofthisdeath. 3. Thefames ofthis death. 4. Thedegrees of this death. 5. Theufeto be made ofit. rWhat this Firif,What this death is. death is. To know this, wemust underftand that asacor- Two things, a porall death,foa fpirituall death hath two things aatnarall and a init: fpirttualdeath KM, As in the naturall death there is a priva- tionof life when the foule is feperated fromthe bodie ; fo itithe fpirituall deaththere is aprivation ofthe lifeof the foule ;: namely, the extinetionof original! righteoúfneffe ; by r'eafon of which, a mancan neither fat hand nor foot forward in the wales of goodnefïe ; as Paul confeffeth of him- B 2 idle': «.