4F The, Spirítualldeath:in rime: felfe : foras the feperationof the foulemakes the body todye ; fo the extinaion oforiginali iighte- oufneffe makes thefoule todye. Secondly, As in the deathofthebodie there is a flunking carkaffe left, when the foule is departed thence ; fo in the deathofthe foule there is apofi- tivecorrupted qualitie left,called the flefh,wherea byaman is prone to doe all evill And therefore Dead workcs the y arecalled dead worker : Therefore leaving the why, fo called.: principleso f thedoörineofGhrifl, let t goeonunto per- fet'l on ; not laying again thefoundation of repentance fromdeadworkes &c. Heb. 6. is And fo again, in the 9. chapter ofthefame Epiftle,and i s.verfe; where iris raid, Harr much more'hall theblaodofchrf, who, through the eternal/f)irit oferedhimffewithoutfpot to God, purge your confcience fromdeadworker, toferve ekelivingGod. Nowitfeemes acontradiâion that theyMould beworkesandyetdead ; but yet it is fo becaufe betides theprivationof good, there is a pofrtive evill, and furring qualitie, which is active andbringeth forth thefe evill and dead workes. The tenor Nowfor the chicle feat of thisdeath : Ir is i4ìsdeath' chiefly feared in the miede and underftanding and not in the will. The Underífanding is Fri- mum vixens, & moriens primps;; the firft living, and fief} dead: for although thewill bee corrup- ted, yet whatfoever is in ir, is carried through the underl}anding. And this death of the under- ftanding is filch a darkenefïe of judgement, as thereby a man cflcemes nor, but diílikes the wayes