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2*eepirituall,death inJinni; 7 waycs of God and goodneffe, and approves the . wages of time and wickedneffe. And in this fa culticof man, theunderflanding, is this d?ath of limechiefly feated; therefore it it is faid,Ioh. i.4,5. Inhimma light, andthatlight w s thelift of men. So alfo,Ephef 5.14: theplacebefore mentioned, A-, sake thou that f eepeFi, andftandvp from the dead,and Chriji (hall give thee light : where bee layes, not Epher,stq, life, but light ; for if therebe light, life will cer- tainly follow.: Soagaine, 4cls 26. i 8. Toopen their eyes, thatthey may turne from darknefféto light. One wouldthinke, that in thefe places it'hould. bee life, and not light ; but it is fo put toPhew that _ the chiefefl feat of this death is in the under- 'landing. Therefore alfa is it laid, Be renewed in the fpirit ofyour mindes, Roan. i z.2. And to the fame purpofe alto faith fames, Jam.r.18. 2heword of Truth begatyou nowTruthhath,a reference to theunderílanding. And thus briefly have I gi- ven you a tafle what this death is, and theplace wherein it isfeared. 2. Now it followes that we fpeakeofthe kinds 2. The kihds ofthis death ; which for thebetter handling,_and Of thhdeath, beñefit ofyourmemories, I will range into thefe three forts z The deathofguilt, bywhich weare bound .o- over toeternaldamnation : andfo in the fame manner ufually wee fay, aman condemned is adead man. z Thedeath which is oppofed to the lifeofgrace which is thefeperrattionofgrace from our.foule.. B 3 3 The .R 6 d