1 The Sp)thuall death in (lane.' 3. Thedeathwhichis oppofed to the lif ofjoy and comfort, which is a thoufand times more terrible than all deaths, if it were truly, and as it is indeed apprehended. Which latterdeath, that youm-ay the better conceive of I will openit a little to you. God joyneswith every mans foule, and gives ro the-moft wickedman forne feeming lifeofgrace, and fomecolourable lifeofcor fort; for elfe they wouldindure an hell hereupon earth. For the firft ;although the wickedhave no true grace, yet theyhavea fhadowofit,as is manifeft in their morallvenues. `So for the fecond , for com- fort, theyhave fore, although no true comfort: for God is tlfeauthor of comfort, as the Sunne is oflight ; which all, both goodand bad ,doemore or leffeparticipate of, or elfethey could not fub- 'fift : As may appeareby the contrary for, when How terrible J edothbut once with-draw his comfort from us,. It,Ç taking a- it is the terribleft-thing in the world : An example way ofGods prefnne is. ofthis wemay fee in Chrift; when this comfort was with-drawne from him but in fenfe and fee- ling onely, it made him cry out, My God, my God, whyhaft thou orfaken me ? Mattb. 27.46. Where Gods,, prefence is takenaway, there is nothingbut horror and trembling : and I have knowne fuck, that in his abfence, when his prefence hath beene taken away, havehad their foules fo preffedwith horror, that they have faid, That if at a thoufand yeeres end they might enjoy thecomfortable pre- =fenceof God, theywould thinke themfelves the hap-