Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Thy Spïritu4liledth tstone, 7 happiefl men in the world. The abfence of this, madeLuther to fay, That ifallthecreatures in hea- ven and hell fhould fet to torment him, they could not doeit fo muchas the with-drawing of Gods comfort did. Alas, poore creatures, now inthis world God is. not féperated fromyou, you feele not the torment ofthisdeath, but now you enjoy the creprrotirtasî, and day-light ofthis comfort and therefore al- though it bee now flightlyefteemed, and little re- garded, yet when that day fhall come that the Lord (hall totally feperatethem fromhis prefence, they fhall by lamentable experiencelearnhow terrible a thing it is. Thus much for the fecondpoint, the kinds ofthis death. 3. Forthefignes ofthis death. ;.Thefignes. Thefignes,ofit may be takenfrom themof the of thisd:arh. bodily death ; the figues of that are thefe foure: I. Theunderftandin taileth Fo efg,sof: g bodily doubt,. Z. There is want of fenfe.. 3. Want ofmotion. 4. Thereis a deadnefrein the face: Thefe foure things you shallfinde in a fpirituall death : Firít, As thofe that arecorporallydead, ®f 61'2'6" want reafon andunderflanding, fo doe thofe that are fpiritually dead; they cannot underfland the things of God, no more thenmen canjudge of colours in the darke. Ibutföncmanwill objeeland fay, Thecarnall obiec . manknowes many things, hehath a generali noti- onof the God-head, and can talke ofthe creation