-13 Thsitpiritaalldealh infrne: ofman,and his redemption by Chrift, he can dd.- codrfe offaith, repeutance,&c. .Attrw. There is a great difference betweene knowing Adifference Spirituali things,andknowino them afteraright betweene manner ; a carnallmanknoweth them,but notin a knowing fpi- limn things, right manner, not ina fpirituall manner.And hence and knowing is thatof theApoftle, Tit. i. i6. Theypréfeffi that thern in a . right manner. theybowGod, but inworkes they deny him, beingabo- minable,anddifObedient, andanto every goodworke re- probate: The wordwhichthere is tranflatedrepro- bate,isa'Auptoi5 fignifying, unabletojudge. Indeed in the generáll they may underhand and like the things that areof God, but cometoparticular cir- curnitances, that croffeth them ; they, as aDivine fayesofthem, loveveritatem lacenimi non redargu- entem they wholly diflike particulars, becaufe theybringthem tohie et nunc,to particulars. In the abftra&they loue holineffe, but not as it is applied to particulars, as it convinces themof theirparti- cular firms. Hence it is that godlymen aremolt hated of them that come neereft tothem in fhew, becaufe theybringlight home tothem, anddifco- ver theiracerrimaproximorumodio, their inwardand bofome hatred oftheir neighbotirs : It is asmuch asifone íhouldbringa Torch to one that is ado- ing fomeunlawful! thing, forne deed ofdarknefre, he would with himfurtheroff: their lives fhine as lights, and therefore givino b goodexamples by a shining andgodly converfation, which is contrary to thelifeofthe ungodly and hypocritical! ones, they cannot chafe but hate them : and asall wic- ked