Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Spirittall death ítAnre; 9 ledmen hate them, fo efpecially thofe that are nigheíl unto them in thew ; becaufe that their life dothnot only thineunto them,and layopentheir vildneffe, but fcorch them alto ; and therefore they being occupied about the worker of darke- neffe, with themas farre offas theycan So that hence we fee, with an approving judgement, not any fave thofe whichare quickned,can underftand fpirituall things. 2. The fecond thingwherein a naturali death a. Privation confifteth, was Maprivationof fenfe ; fo an is offence. itin theSpirituall death;for their hearts are firong andcannotbeemoved ; although I denynot but lòmetime they mayhave a little gripingofcon fcience, andfenfe of Gods judgement, whichna rurally arifetk from confcience ; but they never have any reali and true feeling ofit. 3. In anaturali death they are withoutmoti- 3. Want of on fo likewife it is in aSpirituali death ; for the motion.. wicked can no more move thernfelves unto any goodworke, than a dead man canmove himfelfe out ofhis grave. 4. Want of q.. In anaturali death there is awant of vigo- eao and r°oufneffeandbeauty, as well in thefaceas in allo- 6 therparts ofthebody ; foalfo there is in the Spi- ritual death the loftsofthatvigorous beautywhich £oliowes the life ofgrace ; theymaybee feenc to havedeath in the face ; if a living man beholds them, he knoweshow to difcerne it : although I denynot but that they may have hypocritical) paintedvenues, which mayto weake eyes: for a C great